What happens when dessert meets science? Well, I recently found out at the World Science Festival Gala, which kicks off the World Science Festival May 29-June 2. I performed in musical numbers celebrating Dr. James Watson’s accomplishments (it was his 85th Birthday!) and honoring the culture and content of science. Dr. James Watson was a co-discoverer of the structure of DNA. Let me tell you, portraying the DNA nucleotide Adenine was so fun! Following the performance was the highlight of my evening: Dessert + Science. Dessert really is a science and very different from cooking. Everything must be measured and accounted for perfectly to ensure a great outcome. One of my favorite desserts were caramel popcorn balls encased in a cool, smokey bowl (like dry ice). I was served a cold cluster in my hand and then popped it in my mouth. Smoke came out of my mouth as I blew, and even more when I starting chewing it! SO COOL.
Other creations included: Michael Cirino and Kevin Roche’s ( a razor, a shiny knife) popcorn ice cream. Heres how it’s made, “they used iSi whippers to aerate the ice cream base while simultaneously freezing it in a basin of liquid nitrogen – this created popcorn flavored ice cream in the shape and size of popcorn. The ice cream was finished with caramel sauce and presented in a small cup resting inside a popcorn box filled with popcorn.” Holey cow’s milk this was delicious. It seemed a party favorite – they ran out! The salt and butter taste with the cool sweet cream satisfied all my taste buds.